Demystifying Lab Grown Diamonds: A Buyer’s Guide for Melburnians

Melbourne is known for many great things, like its vibrant arts and culture scene, diverse culinary experiences, and iconic sports events. Today, it is also slowly getting recognized for its growing appreciation towards sustainable and ethical options, such as lab grown diamonds.

Melburnians have an incredible variety of lab diamonds and lab diamond jewelry to choose from, but how do you decide which one’s the best? To ensure you make the most informed decision, we’ve created this handy guide which will empower you with all the knowledge you need to choose the most ideal lab grown diamonds.


First Things First, Why Lab Grown Diamonds?

First Things First, Why Lab Grown Diamonds?
The answer to this question is rather simple; it all comes down to Cost, Ethics, and Environment.

  • Cost: Lab grown diamonds are typically almost 40% cheaper than earth-mined diamonds, which means you can get a bigger and higher-quality diamond for a significantly lower cost. To put things in a better perspective, here’s a great example. Imagine the price of the rare Argyle Pink Jubilee diamond was $10 million. Now, if a similar quality diamond was made in a lab in the same color and carat weight, the price would drastically come down to approximately $6 million!
    The reason behind the comparatively affordable price tag? It’s mainly because lab grown diamonds do not require expensive mining operations, transportation, or even middlemen.
  • Ethics: Think blood diamonds. Think human rights violation. Think conflicts. Lab grown diamonds do away with all of these and more. Made in highly sophisticated and regulated facilities, these diamonds are grown by workers who are treated like corporate professionals and not miners.
  • Environment: Unlike natural diamonds, the creation of lab grown diamonds does not cause deforestation, water pollution, or threat to humans and wildlife. Lab diamonds have a much lower carbon footprint and use much less energy than earth-mined diamonds.

How Should a Melburnian Choose the Best Lab Grown Diamonds in Australia?

How Should a Melburnian Choose the Best Lab Grown Diamonds in Australia?

Well, the same 4Cs that apply to naturally mined diamonds also apply to lab grown diamonds.

Cut, color, clarity, and carat are the universal parameters for grading these precious gems, and they determine the beauty, quality, and price of lab diamonds.

  • Cut: The cut is the most important of all Cs, as it determines how well the diamond reflects light and sparkles. A lab diamond’s cut can be graded anywhere from excellent to poor, based on the proportions, symmetry, and polish of the gem. A well-cut lab diamond will have more brilliance, fire, and scintillation than a poorly-cut one.
    Tip: When assessing the cut of a lab diamond, refer to the International Gemological Institute (IGI) or another reputable gemological laboratory’s grading chart. We recommend opting for lab grown diamonds with Excellent or Very Good cut grade for optimal light performance and overall visual appeal.
  • Colour: This is the second most important factor, as it affects the visual appearance of the lab diamond. The color is graded from D to Z, with D being the most colorless (and most valuable) and Z being the most yellow or brown (least desirable).
    Tip: If you’re looking for a lab diamond that appears completely colorless, opt for a higher grade like D, E, or F. However, if you appreciate a warm or vintage aesthetic, you can choose a slightly lower color grade, such as G or H.
  • Clarity: This factor measures the amount and size of internal and external flaws or inclusions in a lab diamond. The clarity is graded from IF to I3, with IF being flawless and I3 being heavily included – which means it has a significant number of flaws that may be easily visible to the naked eye.
    Tip: To balance quality and budget, consider a clarity grade in the VS (very slightly included) or SI (slightly included) range, as these diamonds often appear clean to the naked eye while offering better value.
  • Carat: The carat is the fourth most important aspect; it indicates the weight of the lab diamond. The carat affects the price of the gem, making heavier lab grown diamonds more expensive than smaller ones.
    Tip: If you want to save money, instead of opting for a 1.00 carat or 1.50 carat lab diamonds, go for lab diamonds with 0.90, 0.95 carat as they appear to look the same, but cost less.

Do Lab Grown Diamonds Need Maintenance?

One question on everyone’s mind is whether lab grown diamonds need any sort of care or maintenance. While lab diamonds are as durable as earth-mined diamonds (10 on the Mohs scale of hardness), they still need love and care to maintain their beauty and brilliance.

Here are some tips on how to care for your lab grown diamond:

  • When your lab grown diamond starts appearing dull, consider cleaning it with a soft cloth, warm water, and mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasives, or ultrasonic cleaners. You can also take your lab grown diamond to a professional jeweler for a thorough cleaning and inspection once a year.
  • Store your lab grown diamond in a separate pouch, box, or compartment, away from other jewelry items. You can also wrap your lab grown diamond in a soft cloth or velvet pouch for extra protection.
  • Protect your lab grown diamond jewelry from extreme heat, pressure, or impact, and avoid wearing them when cooking, gardening, sports, or swimming. You can also consider keeping aside your lab diamond jewelry when applying perfumes, lotions, or hair sprays, as they may cause build-up on the diamond or tarnish the metal.

Discover the Best Lab Grown Diamonds in Australia

The market is brimming with sellers, but discerning buyers know that quality is paramount. Skygem & Co stands out in the Australian fine jewelry and lab diamond segment with its curated selection available at the most competitive pricing.

For those seeking the best lab grown diamonds in Australia, we offer the best of craftsmanship, ethical sourcing, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Whether you’re looking for a dazzling lab engagement ring or a timeless lab grown diamond pendant, our collection caters to all your preferences. You do not just acquire a stunning piece of jewelry, but also one that is adorned with International Gemological Institute (IGI) certified lab diamonds to ensure utmost quality.

Wrapping Up

The allure of lab grown diamonds extends beyond their visual brilliance; it’s also about making luxury accessible. By opting for lab grown diamonds, you’re not just saving on cost but also investing in a future where sustainability and beauty coexist harmoniously. Skygem & Co’s commitment to making these gems affordable ensures that the dream of owning beautiful diamond jewelry is within reach for all Melburnians.

As we conclude our lab grown diamond buying guide, we hope you’re now equipped with the knowledge needed to make an informed and exciting purchase.